Kathak Dance
Among the rich cultural heritage inherited by Indian people, 7 Classical dance forms are predominantly eye catching because of their variety in bright colored costumes, jewellery and a vast Literature on which to perform, in different regional languages and Music too.

Beyond these superficially noticeable attractions, the subject matter dealt with revolves around mainly devotional aspect of Indian philosophy and Indian religion.

Therefore all the dance styles originated from the temples of ancient India.”Kathak”, the famous dance style of north India is no exception.

The word “Kathak” originates from the saying “Katha Kahe So"Kathak”- One who tells a story.

This temple dance was performed in a very simple direct manner with uncomplicated movements depicting deeds of valour by the god and deities interspersed with tiny technical phrases.

Later as the time progressed, this dance reached the palaces of Hindu and Muslim kings, great connoisseurs of art in the courts of these dynasties, helped this simple art-form to expand its horizons and become more complete and all the technical as well as musical aspects made it truly substantial, forthright, intricate and subtly suggestive too.

In the past 100 years or so, great Gurus and doyens along with excellent performers gave this dance a new refinement and spread it far and wide, in and out of India.

Today most complex and complicated rhythmic patterns, dynamic and fast spirouttes (Chakkars) and expressing any sentiment only on musical accompaniment without a word are regarded as a strong forte of “Kathak” among others.

At present, the famous “Kathak” performers and Gurus are Pt Birju Maharaj, Pt Rajendra Gangani, Guru Kumudini Lakhiya to name a few.